Leukaemia, SuperNils Boostfactory
Podcasting, another form of information. Vzw SuperNils is happy to step into this innovation!
NPO SuperNils is immensely proud to present the podcast "Leukaemia, SuperNils Boostfactory". A podcast in which we take listeners through various topics, related to living with cancer or another serious illness. Of course, leukaemia and other blood-related cancers are covered more, given the origins of non-profit organisation SuperNils.
The podcast is useful for patients, but equally useful for loved ones, parents, teachers and simply interested people.
You can listen to the podcast through various channels. Of course it works through this page on the website, but you can also find our "leukaemia, SuperNils boostfactory" at Spotify and Apple Podcast. Don't hesitate to share the episodes within your network as well. It brings our podcast higher in the rankings and makes it more known.
Below you will find a media player. There you can listen to the broadcast episodes in advance. Very easy!
Further down the page, you will then get an overview of the various existing episodes, arranged by theme and with a word of explanation. Just click on the small media player and listen to the relevant podcast.
Would you like to give feedback on any of the episodes? You can do so via our contact form, by clicking the button below.
Trailer 1

You will hear Jorn (Nils' brother) and Renée (Nils' sister-in-law) name several questions people face when they have been diagnosed with leukaemia. In the podcast, these questions are addressed and fellow sufferers, as well as specialists (doctors, psychologists, dieticians, etc.) answer these pressing issues. The aim is to inform, but certainly also to inspire and support.

You are going to meet Nils, the person behind non-profit organisation SuperNils and thus this podcast. A fine, social guy who sadly died of leukaemia, at the age of 24. We take you briefly through the last, terrible, years of this young man's life. Then you'll listen to a dialogue, in which you'll get information about non-profit organisation SuperNils and the link to this podcast. You'll also hear what to expect.
Trailer 2

This trailer briefly introduces you to our podcast and its purpose. Hopefully it will excite you to listen to the following episodes as well. In any case, we hope you find it useful and that the podcast can answer the many questions that pop into your head. Happy listening!
Prof Tessa Kerre 1

Professor Kerre talks passionately about the difficult and taxing job she has, a job she performs with heart and soul ... every day. She provides information about leukaemia and the possible forms of treatment. She talks about the support she can give to patients and their families. And she regularly emphasises the strength of her colleagues, doctors and nurses. Only as a team can they help everyone move forward!
Prof Tessa Kerre 2

During the interview, the person behind the doctor also emerges. Nice to see and hear, how even such a top doctor sympathises with her patients and family members. Tessa Kerre, a doctor with a big heart for the patient. And we (unfortunately) can know ... Professor Kerre is also very attentive to good and clear, honest communication. To this end, she even developed a motion comic. Through this "movie" it can be explained in a simple way, even to children, what cancer does in your body and how the disease can be fought.
Low-germ food

Patients with leukaemia or any other onco-haematological disease, are told fairly soon that they should eat low-germ food. But low-germ food ... what exactly is it? And why is it so necessary? Where do you buy low-germ food? Can everyone eat it? How do you prepare low-germ food? Many questions to which dietician Marina Reygaerts knows the answer.

Sexuality can undergo a big change in cancer patients. Things that felt nice before your illness can now be unpleasant. The desire to have sex is not always there when you are sick and very tired. Girls struggle with vaginal dryness, boys may have erection problems. All not fun, but a consequence of the necessary treatments. These problems may even persist for a long time after healing. We put some important questions to Kristel Mulders. She is Onco-Sexologist at Jessa Hospital in Hasselt.

Receiving a difficult diagnosis is always difficult. Both for the patient himself, and for his/her immediate family. The world collapses and many questions haunt minds. What about work, school, my social life, the grandchildren, my pet, my relationship, nutrition, ...? Questions to which people seek answers, which can be found from many hospital staff. The onco-psychologist is one of them. She can help you, but also your close family, with questions concerning the social and emotional aspect. In this episode, we hear Carmen De Coster. She talks about her job as an onco-psychologist at AZ Klina in Brasschaat. It becomes clear what she and her colleagues can do for you and how they can be addressed.
Blood cancer month

We start with the story of Nils, the courageous young man behind this organisation. Nils gave us the inspiration and the necessary ideas to start up and deepen SuperNils. Don't be shocked by the story itself. It is intense, but also know that it is only one of so many stories and that everyone is different and reacts differently to illness and treatments. Moreover, after six years, science is already so much further along. Meet non-profit organisation SuperNils and get to know its extensive operation better.
Lotus Lotus
Pierre Oidtmann

An episode in which we meet 30-year-old Pierre Oidtmann. A healthy, athletic guy who has overcome leukaemia. A man who, despite everything he has been through, has a very positive outlook on life. An example for many of us. Pierre is very open in this conversation. He really shares everything with us, from diagnosis to eventual cure. A long journey, during which he always kept the positive in mind. Losing never crossed his mind! And that is something every leukaemia patient can draw inspiration from.
Luc Lievens 1

Nine tough questions ... Tricky? Not for Mr Lievens! Very smoothly, he answered every question and always with that same positive outlook. Luc Lievens is an AML (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia) patient and is incurably ill. His life is still several months, years, ... Who will know? In any case, Luc takes each day as it comes and enjoys every moment, every little happiness, the children and grandchildren, his lovely wife, his beautiful country house in France. Luc lives intensely and is happy, despite the harsh verdict. You notice this in every answer he gives. Everyone should definitely listen to this interview, sick or healthy. It teaches you to be positive in life, it teaches you to enjoy everything around you.
Luc LIevens 2

In season 1, we already had a nice conversation with the positive-minded Luc Lievens. He has AML (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia) and was actually declared incurably ill. Nevertheless, he looks positively to the future, whether it will be short or long. Talking to Luc was a real boost for fellow sufferers, to show how things can be different, how to remain firm in life, despite this disease. We agreed to meet again six months later (so now) and record a new episode. Wondering how Luc is doing now? Then listen to this podcast episode soon!
Mental well-being
SuperNils Sketch Workshop

With SuperNils' sketch studio, we aim to bring patients with haematological disorders out of isolation and drive away boredom. This makes them mope less and think less about the disease and treatments. This, in turn, has a positive impact on the healing process.
Via supportive videos (retrievable via the QR code included in the materials package), patients are guided in drawing figures, expressions, environments, etc. They receive art lessons, as it were, from an experienced artist, Nils Missorten (in-house artist LuKiArt vzw). After going through these videos, they can start making their own art.
Partners have their say
Villa Max

Villa Max has become a proud partner of non-profit organisation SuperNils in 2021. We got to know this organisation through Kom op tegen Kanker and Stichting tegen Kanker and it immediately became clear that we could do something for each other. Through this podcast episode, we also introduce you to Villa Max and show you how you can register yourself and your family for such a carefree holiday in green.
Family testimonials tell us that Villa Max provides an unforgettable holiday week for the whole family. Forget the misery for a while and just let it all wash over you. Enjoy the whole family, each other and the beautiful surroundings. Care for the sick child is provided and taken over. Parents get a moment to themselves, a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet, knowing that your child will receive all the necessary care. How beautiful is that?
LukiArt asbl

LuKiArt vzw is a Sint-Martens-Latem-based organisation that organises activities tailored to sick children. Sabine Pauwaert and her team are always committed to painting a border of rainbow colours around illness and grief.
Through art experiences, they let sick children shift their minds, let children be busy discovering their talents. By doing so, they give them more strength to persevere and overcome their illness too. Because yes, art has a healing effect!

It just has to happen to you! You are young and you have a whole life ahead of you. You go to school every day, where you learn new things every day with your friends in class. After school, you go to the sports club to refresh your mind and give your body a healthy boost. But then ... then the doctor diagnoses you with "leukaemia". Your life collapses for a moment.
Going to school isn't possible for a while. What now? BEDNET can help you with that. In this podcast, Kathy Lindekens tells you all about it. Especially interesting for teachers!
School friend is ill

A seriously ill child in the classroom. How do you deal with that as a teacher, as a school? What do you tell the other children in the class? How do you accommodate the parents? What can you do as a school to support them? How do you limit the possible disadvantage of the sick pupil? Where can you find support and information as a teacher and school? Who can help provide appropriate communication?
Vzw SuperNils thanks Bart Jonckers (director urban primary school het Alberreke) and Caroline Guffens (teacher) for their openness and honest conversation. They will help many colleagues in any case.