For parents, educators and teachers
Our educational page

In my professional pursuits, I am sometimes confronted with some form of loss and grief within a family. Even as a mum of Nils, I know better than anyone what it does to a parent when your child has cancer.
But how do you react? How do you act correctly? What do you say to other people? How do you catch children? All questions that then run through your mind and for which you do not immediately know an answer at that moment.
Our organisation tries to support people, who are facing cancer or loss, with this educational page. I am sure the info will be very useful!Leona Koninckx - secretary Tweet
Being faced with cancer, loss or grief is never fun! As a parent, educator or teacher, you are often at a loss then. You didn't think about this beforehand. After all, you always hope it won't happen to you. But still ... suddenly it is there ...
And then there is this educational page by non-profit organisation SuperNils. It provides useful tips, links to other informative websites, gives titles of interesting books and magazines and offers activities you can do at home or in the classroom. Vzw SuperNils hopes to give you a mass of information, with which you can get started almost ready-to-use (of course, you will have to adapt some things to your own situation). This page will be constantly updated to include the latest information. We were able to realise this thanks to the cooperation of several organisations, companies, hospital schools, universities, etc.
Look at the page carefully and extract what seems interesting or useful to you. Good luck with it!
PLEASE NOTE: Vzw SuperNils is no owner of the contents. These remain linked to the authors, each of which is listed with the lessons, documentation, ...

A child with cancer in your class
Wonderful brochure from the UZ Leuven, offering tips and tricks to teachers who are confronted with cancer in the classroom. What to do, which steps to take, how to communicate and with whom, ...
Info is certainly also useful with children treated at another hospital. Only the contact details need to be changed then. Also ask if there is a hospital school attached to the hospital and then contact them to make clear arrangements. You can already download the brochure here.

Informative - children with cancer
Informative website regarding children with cancer and the latest on covid-19 and cancer. Click here and immerse yourself in the interesting information.

Exercise non-profit organisation SuperNils
An exercise at the website of non-profit organisation SuperNils, for the fifth grade. Submitted by teacher Vicky Vermeiren of the Stedelijke Basisschool De Beren in Berendrecht.
Assignments around reading comprehension, questions to film of Immuno-T, organisations working for cancer, actions for charity and a creative finale. You can download the packet here.

Bednet asbl
BEDNET ... the solution for the long-term sick student! Click here and go to the website of this fine organisation.
Be sure to also take a look at our podcast page. There is an episode around Bednet, with Kathy Lindekens, who can provide even more info.

Caps on Against Cancer
Brochure from Fight Against Cancer. Every day, about 193 Belgians are told they have cancer. This therefore means that in every class there is at least one child who experiences the disease up close. Either they are a patient themselves, or mum or dad is ill, or one of the grandparents, or brother or sister, ...
So how do you deal with this as a teacher? How do you respond to children's questions and emotions. How do you translate the theme into interesting and achievable teaching material, which fits within the attainment targets or development goals?
KOTK's free educational packages: "The cap on against Cancer", will help you do just that! There are packages for the second and third kindergarten classes and the first, second and third grades of primary education.

Cancer ghosts
CancerSpoken is a website that offers help to children one of whose parents has cancer. But the site also provides a source of information for parents, friends, relatives, teachers and carers, and this for different ages ! You will find information, supporting videos, book lists, possible (teaching) activities, colouring pictures, etc.

Interesting book package
This book pack is given to children with cancer at the UZ Leuven, among other places, to support teachers. They can use it to explain cancer and its treatments.

Magic drops
A note to the Tear Fairy sometimes works wonders! Has something happened that makes you sad? Then let the pain come out, in the form of magic drops like Snout.
Let the child make a drawing or note about what makes them so sad and send it to: "Tear Fairy - Leen Van De Velde - Blijdschapsstraat 6 in 1070 Anderlecht". Be sure to have their own address written down too, so the fairy can send comfort mail!
Magic Drops is published by Nathalie Slosse and R. Del Moral (ISBN: 9789059328761).

The inquisitive Octopus
A project by three students from Hogeschool Gent, preschool education course. Wonderful and useful website!
A board game developed for children who, due to a long-term illness, can no longer attend school.
Are you looking for a tool to further support the long-term sick child in your class? Is the absent child losing and missing contact with the class? Don't remember how to work on goals ? Do you need more information to get started with this situation?
Then you have come to the right site!

Ketnet stands up to cancer
On the Ketnet website, you will find rock-solid programmes that portray the fight against cancer. Besides the life stories of some young people, there is also a focus on the scientific background of the disease (what is cancer, what does it do to you, can you cure cancer, etc.).

Ketnet for parents
You'll find a lot more useful information on this site.

You have cancer ...
Telling your children that you have cancer is never easy. While bringing this message to the children, it is okay to be sad and it is okay to cry, but try not to panic.
That way, despite the bad news, you can still offer your children a sense of security. If you are afraid you will be upset, make sure someone is with you: your partner, a family member, a friend or a girlfriend.

Communicating about cancer
As a father or mother, what if you are told you have cancer? How do you tell the children? How do you deal with their emotions? Where do you find help and support? ...

Big tree is sick
Snout loves Big Tree a lot. When the doctor discovers woodworms under the bark of Big Tree, his world is completely turned upside down... A story by Nathalie Slosse, but also lots of ideas for dealing with children's emotions in a creative way. There are also Snout dolls to use during activities. The materials could be obtained by parents free of charge through their child's oncologist. Be sure to ask, as the materials are great to use!

Farewell to large tree
The folding book "Farewell to Big Tree" is the long-awaited sequel to the book "Big Tree is Sick".
Foundation Against Cancer is ensuring that this folding booklet can be offered free of charge (children and their parents can request it through their oncologist, psychologist, nurse. They can then order it for free from STK).
Any child who is going to lose a loved one to cancer can get one. The folding booklet can be personalised and helps children discuss grief, at home and at school. It is also a real support in difficult moments.
Foundation Against Cancer does this in cooperation with Talismanneke vzw, founded by Natalie Slosse, author of both booklets.

Alex and the bravest grandfather in the world
a lovely booklet with illustrations by Sue Downing that can help adults explain multiple myeloma to children.
The booklet was published and funded by Amgen (Europe) GmbH in 2019. It was designed in collaboration with patient organisations, professional healthcare providers, patients with the disease and their families.
Applications can be made through CMP Vlaanderen vzw, patient organisation.

Another interesting book list
Books about cancer and its treatments, to be used in kindergarten.

All about cancer ...
22 articles full of inspiration, for primary school children.
Especially for young people, adolescents, parents, teachers and caregivers

From research, Care4AYA (AYA = Adolescents and Young Adults) developed some tools especially for adolescents (+12), their parents, teachers and caregivers. Ask for this box at the treatment team or send a message ( to receive one free of charge. Also click here for the Care4AYA website.

The loving manager
The booklet "The loving manager. Parents of a young person with cancer tell their story." This brochure can be obtained free of charge from one of the regional coordinators of Foundation Against Cancer. Send an email via:
Brussels and Flemish Brabant:
East Flanders:
West Flanders:

Princess Maxima Centre
Youth website of the Princess Máxima Centre. Here you will find honest information and good advice so you can better understand what is going on with you and what is going to happen. So besides all the practical and medical things, you will also find more about feelings you may have or how to tell at school and to your friends.

Solar-smart schools
Foundation Against Cancer is committed to protecting children and adults from the sun's harmful UV rays. Better prevention than cure! The Foundation Against Cancer therefore makes various materials available to schools for FREE to participate in this prevention.
Click here and discover the range of materials on offer.

Stem cell donation
Stem cell donation can save lives. Talk about it with young people in class. We reach out to you here for some materials and teaching packages (primary and secondary education!)