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Patient organisations and peer associations
Onco-haematology ... there are many different cancers that fall under this heading. For instance, there is Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin, Waldenström, Lymphona, acute leukaemia, etc. Patients suffering from any of these diseases have specific questions, specific needs. They want to get the right information about the disease and its treatments, they want contact with peers, who know what they are talking about, because they are in the same boat.
To help patients, but also their relatives, with this, vzw SuperNils likes to share here some websites of different patient organisations and fellow sufferers' associations. That way, you have some correct information at hand and can contact the most appropriate person directly. He or she will be happy to help you.
Vzw SuperNils is a member of the BHS-PaC (Belgian Haematological Society - Patient Committee) and is therefore in direct contact with all these organisations. If you encounter any problems with contact or do not know who exactly to contact, we would like to help you where possible.

A French-speaking association, in Belgium, for patients with lymphoma. Our team of volunteers guides, informs and supports patients in remission and treatment of lymphoma.

CMP Vlaanderen vzw
An association for people suffering from Multiple Myeloma (Kahler's disease) and for people suffering from Waldenström's disease. These diseases are two forms of bone marrow cancer. Of course, we are also there for their family and friends.

The Sickle Cell Collective
Founded by a group of people with sickle cell disease, their families and friends as they faced the lack of information, misunderstandings and misinformation surrounding the condition. The aim pursued is to make the disease known to the public and break the prejudices associated with it through awareness campaigns, education and various partnerships.
Supporting organisations
Some organisations offer all kinds of support to patients and their families. This can range from organising holidays and activities to supporting mental well-being. We give a limited overview of these organisations here.

Me to You Foundation
Giving leukaemia patients a sense of belonging. Through various projects for support and complementary treatments, ME TO YOU wants to contribute to an optimal quality of life for leukaemia patients and, above all, make them feel first and foremost that they are a person, an individual and that they belong! TOGETHER STRONG! FOR THE PATIENT

Villa Max
Having a seriously ill child at home requires a lot of work, attention and time. Sometimes a nice family holiday can be very rewarding. Villa Max can help you with this. Vzw SuperNils is pleased to introduce this organisation with a big heart.
Villa Max is a warm and cool organisation that offers free holidays to families, from all over the country (!), with a seriously ill child. If one of the children in a family is seriously ill, this often has a huge impact on all family members. Taking a break together is then certainly not obvious. A week's holiday often seems out of reach, because of the necessary care and needs.
But then there is Villa Max!
Informative organisations and websites
We are also happy to provide some information on organisations and websites you can go to for information about your illness and its consequences. But rest assured, ... there are others!

Foundation Against Cancer
On this website, you will find all possible information about cancer (types, different types, causes, consequences). You will also find practical information for everyday life and for emotional support during your disease process.
You will also get information on preventive actions of the Foundation (Tobacco cessation, alcohol, sun). So lots of material to read and use.

Psychological counselling
Foundation Against Cancer offers free psychological counselling of short duration (max 6 sessions) by phone. Both patients and loved ones can make use of this. Also for bereavement counselling of loved ones, after the death of the patient.
Important: The psychologists working with the Foundation specialise in cancer issues.

High cost!
You hear it sometimes ... cancer makes you poor. Unfortunately, this is also the truth. Treatment bills can sometimes be high. And if you are not adequately insured, this can cause problems. The Foundation Against Cancer can then help ...
When a cancer patient experiences difficulties in paying the costs of their treatments, they can apply for financial support from Foundation Against Cancer under certain conditions.
Grief and loss organisations
Science has already achieved a lot in research into the treatment and cure of serious diseases, such as cancer. Many people are therefore cured of such a disease and can take back their lives.
However, sometimes things also end badly and the patient dies. Losing a loved one is never pleasant and always has an impact on the lives of those who are left behind. Whether it is an older person or a young person, whether it is a parent, a close friend or your child ... There will always be mourners left behind, people who need to give their grief a place and pick up life again. Some people can do this alone, others need a listening ear or want to talk to people who went through the same thing.
Also know that grieving does not only occur with a final goodbye. Getting a bad diagnosis can also trigger a process of mourning and grief. After all, you have to say goodbye (temporarily) to certain habits in your life (quality of life may decrease, social contacts diminish, not going to work or school, no sports, etc.). We call this "living loss". People facing this also benefit from a listening ear, some support and help.
The organisation below wants to help you with that ... As a member, you will of course get to know many more!

Missing You asbl
A voluntary organisation working across Flanders for children, young people and young adults who have lost a loved one.
Since young people also need time and space to cope with their loss, Missing You wants to (under-)support them in this by, on the one hand, putting them in touch with fellow sufferers and, on the other hand, by sensitising their environment and wider society.
Missing You also has an educational page for at school, as well as at home. You will find educational materials, a book list, a game, and so on. Definitely worth checking out.