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Gathering knowledge

As a doctor, professor, haematologist and researcher at Ghent University Hospital and affiliated with the University of Ghent, I am very well placed to impart the right information. So be sure to listen to the podcast episodes recorded with me. I talk about the disease, the treatments and the impact on patient and family.
Furthermore, as a medical advisor, I am an active member of the Board of Directors of this non-profit organisation and helped found SuperNils.
I have therefore co-reviewed and approved the information on this page. Hopefully, you will get out what is important to you.Professor Dr Tessa Kerre Tweet
Through this website, SuperNils wants to inform you about cancer in general and haematological diseases, such as leukaemia, in particular. What is leukaemia anyway? What does the disease do to your body? How can leukaemia be cured? What treatments are there?
We also want to indicate where you can go with your questions, where you can meet fellow sufferers or where you can get extra help and support.
On this page, we bring together important information about onco-haematological disorders (broader than just leukaemia!) and possible treatments. It covers brochures, videos, games, documents and websites. A very wide range that can fill the needs of many people, offer tips and make cancer more discussable. We also offer things that can help with returning to work, after a long absence. And of course, we also cover psychological and mental support.
We were able to get the informative material through BHS (Belgian Haematological Society - Patient Committee), the patient organisations and other major organisations. All of them indicated that we could share this info with you through this website. Informing is hugely important. Sound knowledge, after all, lets you make better choices.

Motion-comic Immuno-T
A cartoon explaining very comprehensively what cancer does in your body and the ways people try to attack and cure the disease. The clip is also useful for explaining to children. It has even been found suitable for children as young as 4 years old. Professor Dr Tessa Kerre was a driving force behind the creation of this film. Click on the print and watch the story of T cells. Pressing the arrows on your computer will take you further in the storyline.

Living with lymphoma
This brochure "Living with lymphoma" has been made available since 20 October 2018 by Janssen who worked closely with LVV for this purpose. We joined hands to help patients, their families and loved ones better understand lymphoma. Click on the picture and so on to the latest brochure available.

Free publications Foundation Against Cancer
Overview of all free brochures available to order from the Foundation Against Cancer.

Living with Waldenström
Brochure with facts, testimonies and treatments.

Nutrition recommendations low-germ food
We are allowed to give you a small digital cookbook as a gift from Marina Reygaerts (dietician UZ Gent). You can download it here and use it freely in your home kitchen. It was compiled by a number of students, under the approving eye of Marina herself. Safe and solid material, for those who want to prepare something different!

Nutrition at increased risk of infection
Marina Reygaerts provided us with a list of food products, which can have a place within the low-germ diet. The list was prepared for patients with an increased risk of infection. Easy to buy the right products and ensure a healthy and balanced diet. You can download this recent list here and use it freely. We will also always ensure that we make the latest versions available here.
But there is, of course, much more! Log above Quickly enter with your password and discover all the information we have the right to share with you.