Donations from EUR 40 are tax deductible
(Different gifts are added up per calendar year)
Read - Choose - Support
and strengthen our community
Page, specifically for our heart friends.
Individuals, companies, organisations and businesses that just want to give non-profit organisation SuperNils a helping hand.
If desired, they can also become effective members or heart friends of SuperNils (for free) (NOT for companies or organisations!).
This gives them a voice in the general membership meeting and helps them think about our operations and objectives.
I make a donation of less than 40 euros.
I will not become a member,
but a supportive friend
Individuals AND companies
I make a donation of 40 euros or more.
I will not become a member,
but a supportive friend
Individuals AND companies
I will make a donation of 40 euros or more and gladly become a heart friend of supernils (= free effective member).
Individuals only
Important to know!!!
Will If you receive a tax certificate, be sure to keep the information below in mind!
1° You can use the payment buttons on our website (see above) quickly and easily make a donation via the secure Mollie payment system. This donation will be transferred in full to the ASBL.
2° Make your no use of our payment buttons, but if you make a deposit through your bank (monthly or one-off), note in the note "GIFT asbl SuperNils". If you donate more than 40 euros on an annual basis, you are entitled to a tax rebate of 45%. When paying (even on a standing order!), do make sure you include the word "GIFT" certainly mentioned.
3° To benefit from a tax certificate, a donation may NOT be the result of a fundraiser. The donor receives no consideration for his or her gift of any kind.
4° Would you like to support the NPO through sponsorship, then we will provide an invoice for this for accounting purposes. In case of sponsorship, we will also make the sponsor's logo visible on our website.
Why not become a heart friend of vzw SuperNils (= effective member)? After all, it is a real added value for the organisation. Our friends form the basis of the association, the backbone on which everything rests. These special members can help think about the operation, the objectives, the budget, the future. At the Annual General Meeting, they have a real say. But also through a Whatsapp group and online polls, they can help think about certain issues. Moreover, you get full access (with special password) to our website and can thus access all information.
Chelsea Roelandt Tweet
Still can't make up your mind?
Of course, vzw SuperNils cannot force anyone to make a particular choice. Nor do we want to! After all, every donation is welcome and will always be spent usefully within our operations. We just want to give an extra word of explanation to make your choice easier.
Of course, we hope to have as many new heart friends (= effective members). After all, they strengthen our organisation! You can become a friend via the third choice (on the right). You give a donation of 40 euros or more, you will receive a tax certificate and you are immediately a free effective member, we prefer to call it "heart friend of SuperNils". So you are part of the General Assembly and get a say in how things work. Of course, we then have some government-imposed data (including your national number) from you, hence the small form you still have to fill in. As a true friend, you will also receive a password, which will give you full access to our website and thus allow you to access all information.
Would you rather not become a member, but still want to make a nice donation? Of course you can do that too! Both choice 1 (left) and choice 2 (centre) offer this possibility. With option 2, you deposit 40 euros or more and will definitely receive a tax certificate. We therefore ask you to provide your e-mail address and national number. With option 1, you deposit less than 40 euros. Yet we also ask you to provide your e-mail address and national number, because several payments of less than 40 euros per year together can exceed this threshold. And then you will also be entitled to a tax certificate.
Enterprises/companies can support non-profit organisation SuperNils here, but only via option 1 and option 2. Companies making a deposit via this page have no intention of expecting anything in return from SuperNils asbl (no advertising, inclusion in newsletter, no full access on the website, ...). They simply show their big, warm hearts and support our work and objectives with their donation. They DO receive a tax certificate, if the deposit is 40 euros or more. To complete this administration, we do need the company number of the company needed.
Companies who also want to work effectively with us and thus do more can take a look at our believers. there they get all the explanations about the possible sponsorship packages. For sponsorship, we will gladly provide an invoice for accounting purposes and make the sponsor's logo visible on the website.
Please note that SuperNils asbl will include your details in its files of donors and effective members, but that these details will only be used to follow up the issuing of tax certificates, to inform you about our operations, activities, plans and results. The information will never be passed on to third parties without your prior consent. The stored data can be consulted at the non-profit association's secretariat so that you can check their accuracy and completeness. You can always have them corrected or removed from the files free of charge. More information on our privacy policy can be found in the footer of this website.
Other ways to support non-profit organisation SuperNils ...
1° Trooper
Many people shop online these days. It is quick, easy and you can find almost all your purchases from the comfort of your sofa. Trooper capitalises on this trend. When you shop online through Trooper, you can immediately support your charity/organisation. Click on the print on the right above in the light grey bar and go straight to the Trooper page of non-profit organisation SuperNils. From there, you can continue shopping as usual. It will cost you NO extra CENT, but it will benefit SuperNils. So why not do it? SuperNils thanks you for the support.
2° Goodgift
Give someone a gift certificate from Goodgift and ask them to donate it to non-profit organisation SuperNils. A gift where you show your good heart! Quickly click on the image to the right and find out what you can do.
3° Testament
You can also include vzw SuperNils in your will. You then leave part of your assets to the organisation, to support the realisation of our objectives. For more information, contact your notary.