SuperNils Connect
Looking for fellow sufferers contact ? "SuperNils Connect" offers the solution A LinkedIn group you can join to then share experiences, ask questions and exchange information. A number of healthcare providers are also members of the group, so the info is always followed up correctly. Read on below for more info Photo: Canva Pro [...]
Education against boredom
Engaging Minds "Turning Boredom into Brilliance" Engage your mind and turn boredom into brilliance Asbl SuperNils takes on the fight against boredom and loneliness VRT is the ideal partner in this effort SuperNils is looking for all kinds of activities, which can help children and young people fight boredom and loneliness. Studying, discovering new things, learning through play [...]
LEGO box
SuperNils LEGO package Asbl SuperNils provides beautiful LEGO packages, both in the children's ward and for adolescents and young adults. In some hospitals, there is a suitcase full of LEGO bricks (often in the family room), with or without accompanying plans, with which patients and their children/family members can get to work. One can follow the plan, but [...]
Movement case
Move and feel better - SuperNils movement kit in collaboration with kiné AZ Delta This project was developed by vzw SuperNils, with the help of the physiotherapists of AZ Delta in Roeselare. The project was financially made possible by the Foundation against Cancer and Levensloop Schoten 2023, for which many thanks! Photo credit: Niki da Costa Photography [...]
SuperNils Sketch Workshop
SuperNils Sketch Workshop in collaboration with LuKiArt vzw - Sint-Martens-Latem From 6 years - 99 years Art as distraction, relaxation and healing power to heal. It can be done. With very little material, you can already take part in this fun activity! A pencil, an eraser, a stylo, a sheet of paper, some coloured pencils ... and you're off. [...]
Museum visit
On a virtual museum visit with SuperNils in cooperation with the city of Ghent and the Ghent museums Staying in hospital often brings loneliness and boredom. What do you do in bed all day? What do you do when you have little or no visitors? SuperNils can support you in this. Thanks to the tourism service of [...]