Looking for fellow sufferers ?

"SuperNils Connect"
offers the solution

A LinkedIn group you can join to then share experiences, ask questions and exchange information. A number of healthcare providers are also members of the group, so the info is always followed up correctly.

Read on below for more info

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With SuperNils Connect, vzw SuperNils aims to connect fellow sufferers from the target group (adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer from Belgium). Fellow sufferers can then exchange information with each other about their specific situation and/or activities, but also simply ask each other questions. A number of care providers will also be present in the group, so that answers can also be substantiated. In this way, our target group will be better informed and will also feel that they are not alone in their situation.

Photo: Canva Pro License

Before joining "SuperNils Connect", please go through the checklist below. If you fulfil one or more of the membership criteria and agree to our rules (see below), quickly confirm your membership via the button under the picture of the rules and then click on "+ participating", in the LinkedIn group.

Checklist "criteria for membership":

- You are over 14 years old and under 40 years old
- You are a patient with cancer or you have overcome the disease (in remission)
- You live in Belgium
- You are a healthcare provider in an oncology department (doctor, nurse, psychologist, dietician, physiotherapist, ...)
- You are a hospital AYA coordinator
- You are professionally associated with the organisations Come on Against Cancer or Foundation Against Cancer

Vzw SuperNils is happy to provide some ground rules for the (discussion) contributions within the LinkedIn group "SuperNils Connect". We greatly appreciate it if these ground rules are observed. If this is not the case, the contribution concerned and/or the responsible member will be removed from the group, without warning. "SuperNils Connect" also hopes that group members participate actively and respectfully in the discussions.

SuperNils asbl is keen to point out that every clinical picture, every patient and every treatment is different. So never just take information from your fellow sufferers without checking it with your doctor or healthcare provider. Of course, each person is responsible for this, but the organisation cannot be held liable.

1° General standards of decency
Contributions should always comply with general social norms and legal agreements. Therefore, always be respectful towards other peers. Sexist, pornographic, racist, discriminatory, insulting or defamatory comments are not allowed. They will be deleted immediately and the offender will be expelled from the group.

2° Launching a good discussion contribution
A good contribution invites a reaction, for instance by posting a question or statement. You can also probe for other peers' experiences. Always share only the info you want to share with others. Don't force anyone to post content!

3° Privacy
Always respect the privacy of others. Introduce yourself briefly in your first contribution, so everyone knows who is in the group. Tell something about yourself, your situation, your career, but limit it to what you really want to share.

4° No (semi-)commercial contributions
Contributions with a clear commercial message are not allowed and will be deleted immediately, without warning. In case of repeated violation by the same member, this member will be expelled from the group.

5° No calls to other LinkedIn or Facebook groups
Promoting other groups within LinkedIn or Facebook is not allowed. Posts will be deleted and in case of repeated violation, the responsible member will also be expelled from the group.

6° No calls from company pages
Contributions posted from a company page are not allowed. They will therefore be deleted immediately, as we want to keep the discussion within this private group.

7° Survey or research
Calls to participate in a study or survey can only be posted after approval by the group administrator. They will only be allowed if they can add value to the target group.

8° Number of placements
Limit this as much as possible. Do not post more than two contributions immediately after each other and do not repeat the same message over and over again. Repeated violation may lead to exclusion from the group.

Vzw SuperNils thanks everyone for respecting the previous rules and agreements. If you need more information, please contact the group administrator, Robert Scheltjens. Please note: no statements will be made or discussions held about deleted members or messages.